Thursday, July 7, 2016

Six Ideas to work from home Online

When Internet related work, 90% of people still think first in things like putting your CV on LinkedIn or seek employment through job portals.

Very few people, except that we are already immersed in this world, is seriously considering a small business or online business when today work from every Internet is already a perfectly realistic.

And I'm not thinking about those so typical and so tatty as this article you intend to become a "home telemarketer" Enveloper (a), or "business advisor" who is actually selling cold calls by phone from home pure and hard.

No, in this post I'll tell you how you can get from home (I mean work from home) to professional activities that excite you thanks to the possibilities that the Internet has nowadays, activities that were perhaps a dream that you had in a while.

The downside is that get more complex than the above options, but the result certainly also deserves much more worthwhile.

Indeed, today is the best options to return to professional activity if you have been unemployed certainly encourage you to do so, and today's post I intend to give you all the information necessary to start with it.

It goes without saying that LinkedIn is a fantastic tool for job seekers, but the fact of the matter is that it is not the only tool 2.0 to find work, dare I even say that right now LinkedIn may not even be the most powerful.

But limited only to job portals and LinkedIn by sending your CV right and left to companies that already have a thousand equal, at this point, and represents an old way "out of phase, to focus on the subject to get work in and / or Internet. Just you need to see, for example, what you think of this as an expert Alfonso Alcantara (@yoriento) of job portals.

In my opinion, you're wasting your time if you act in this way and in Spain employment remains very wrong with a situation that is unlikely to change in many years, much talk lately of macroeconomic signs of improvement. So you'd better put the batteries.
Luckily, things on the Internet have evolved to the point where it is an inexhaustible source of opportunities for those who know them see, yes, and in a crisis.

So, working from home online is no longer a utopia and in this post you'll see why.

Go ahead and maybe you Logres also turn it into your life as they have succeeded or Patricia Flor Abiuso Maguet.
Be "stopped" or not, above all, a mental issue

Before going into flour to how to get work even from home via the Internet, let's talk about the base: your personal attitude. If this is not adequate, you hardly get anywhere.

In that sense, there is a phrase of Carlos Bravo (@carlosbravo) that I love, the kind that you are remembered for being a truth as a cathedral:

"I do not really like the word 'being unemployed'. One can stay out of work but never 'stopped' "
This is exactly the spirit that seeks post today and the base so that you can raise

This is what is to flip the tortilla: you are not unemployed, you are actively seeking employment. It sounds understatement, but it is not.

As Carlos account in Anglo-Saxon countries One "is between 2 jobs" ("between jobs"), which is a much more motivating and optimistic interpretation. It belongs to the common wisdom that the world is not as it is but as you see it.

This ties in very well with the principle of motivation that I like to quote: you do not know what your chances or your limits are, because it is physically impossible to meet. Everything is a mental issue, the barriers that people get usually completely unjustified in most cases and respond more to a low mood, fears and ghosts that objective realities.
How to work from home online? 6 Ideas to inspire

What can you do then beyond using LinkedIn and register with job portals to find work with the help of Internet?

Many things, but again, will only work if you approach it right.

1. Finding employment means 2.0 does not mean pummeling social networks, it means changing chip

The idea expressed in this title is the key to everything.

It's not about doing the same thing and doing in the world 2.0, you have to change the chip, use that gives people LinkedIn is a perfect example: most are using LinkedIn as a simple version 2.0 CV of all life instead of using those things that really make this powerful tool on LinkedIn to find a job it is.

That is not the right vision.

As well explains Enrique Dans in the video below, where it says this:

"Some still think that the CV is something that is written, printed and sent by letter. NO, your CV is on the network and who want to hire you or whoever think of you for a career opportunity of some sort is going to get on the net and look what you've done, what you have written, where that mark on the network . This investment is really worth doing "

What, ultimately, means the above quote from Enrique Dans is that, ultimately, the Internet and changing culture in the world of work, which is having more and more weight is your personal brand.

And that's the key to everything: if you want to achieve mount an Internet activity (or any other "traditional" activity) you have to start from a different view; you should not go out to find customers, to "kick the street" because it consumes much time and effort, and selling to "cold calls" very frustrating, not to mention the weak position that takes you intrinsically, which affects very negatively, among other things, the money that you require for your work.

As @yoriento says, "you have to make them find you". That goes the concept of personal branding. E Internet and, in particular, blogs have been a revolution for it because they have put this to everyone.
And take note: I am not limited to a business, these principles are equally valid to achieve gainful employment.

This means two things for which I recommend these two readings:

1. You should have a good level of understanding of the concept of personal brand and what it means: What's that for "personal brand"?

2. And you should get to work on it for ya: How to create your own personal brand in the world 2.0

2. With the 2.0 world will not make you godparents missing.

The best way that exists at this time to develop a personal brand and do it as quickly as possible is a personal blog.

Create a blog can be as simple as starting with a simple and free WordPress blog on or if you are willing to take it seriously and do something powerful, creating a WordPress blog hosting.

This is because a blog itself is the ideal place to add value through useful content to help people half (or simply entertain). If you have helped someone into something, and even more if you do it repeatedly, you will achieve your confidence. That is the "secret" of the "magiaW of blogs which revolves around Alland which explains the explosion in the professional world.

So, gradually, you will build an audience that follows you and actively share your content. This world + 2.0 tools well used, things like social networking groups, has great potential for dissemination, even for a beginner.

This is what has made this blog at this moment count with 100,000 visits per month, more than 10,000 people have also subscribed to our mailing list (which is a good sign of interest and confidence).
Imagine for a moment how many potential customers for professional activities may be between these visits and, in particular, people who have shown a serious interest and confidence in us by subscribing to our mailing list.

And I want to particularly emphasize that this blog is born from a simple personal initiative and as a hobby. It's not a business, nor has funding, and investors behind or anything.
Tidying up these ideas, how do you get to make your project succeed?

Actually, it is very simple, ultimately, it comes complete these steps:

1.Choose a topic that is in demand and critical mass: It must be something that people in need with problems that you are going to solve. Important: do not try to succeed with something you love only you. 

2.Provide with much perseverance value through free content: If you bring value in a regular way, gradually you will gain the confidence of the people. Be prepared for a slow process, this is not achieved within 3 weeks. Go thinking about a year later, but it works. 

3.Spread your content and achieve fidelizada audience: Getting a hearing fidelizada worth its weight in gold. That's the audience which can continue to provide value for money because they trust you. That would never be interested to sporadic visits Google does not know you at all. 

4. Monetize your activity: Linking with the above now that you have your audience's time to think about the different means of monetization. You have the audience, if you've done your homework, know what you need and can design products and services that meet the experience in the best way possible. 

5.Continue providing free value: Do not fall now in the mistake of letting go of what you've always done in the blog, you must continue to provide value also with free content for the blog, your personal brand and, ultimately, your project still alive .

If you know how to make a good spread and your topic has enough potential, it is not so difficult to achieve +100 daily visits from your first post. That simple.

Well, and how is this done exactly? Here's what I tell every detail:

Discovering needs of people and judiciously decide what topics devote: What is the Long Tail SEO and how to use it to your blog 

How to create a blog for it and achieve triumph: Creating a blog - The "Mega-Guide" 
How do I monetize exactly? How to make money with a blog - The Complete Guide.  
So with that you have no excuse.

Moreover, one of the things I like best in the world 2.0 is that it is very meritocratic. Just depend on you, your ability effort, discipline and ingenuity, in that order.

In the world 1.0 you can and be as good as you want in yours, beyond your direct contacts is very difficult to achieve sufficient visibility to really take advantage, ie, to reach the "right" people, either to find employment and to find customers.

2.0 The world has nothing to do, if you know add value, everything goes much faster because the medium is much faster than traditional ways and comes compared to an infinite amount of people who can find you.

This does not mean that it is impossible to build a personal brand in the world 1.0, but passes through activities such as slower as lectures, interviews or traditional media publications which have several problems:

1. Access to them is very exclusive: beyond a small station, a small local newspaper or magazine is very difficult to access media with a significant diffusion capacity and depend much of the contacts you already have. 

2. They are ephemeral: your window of opportunity is very small, have a few minutes in an interview in a paper or a small section in a newspaper to make an impact. You can say almost the next day, if you have not got, is almost like coming to start from scratch. 

3. They are very slow, unless you have the proper Godfather: this makes the development of your personal brand is very slow unless des with proper godfather bride you the opportunity to come in to a really powerful channel as a TV or something similar and also be able to use it to generate an impact. 

4. It is very easy to finish exhausted and frustrated along the way: this slow and frustrating things is easy to throw in the towel prematurely.

The great opportunity of channels 2.0 is that in a very simple way you can get the same, a blog and a Twitter account are enough to start a great brand. And with some know-how and luck, you can even get much more in much less time.

I think in this sense a moment to tell you my personal experience may find it very motivating.

This blog has fulfilled the three years of operation and the "personal brand effect" note and the brand "Citizen 2.0" very clearly. It has been in opportunities to participate in events with speakers from ringside in fact get good appraisals of students for paid courses like this, interviews like this one or service requests that come to us more and more frequently and have motivated that próximemente design a commercial section dedicated to it.

The "crux of the matter" is that these opportunities have not come so much by me, but by fact exist blog.
Obviously they not publish trash they would have, but the question that I is that without the blog and its dissemination through social networks, none of this would have happened.

The trajectory of published content generated enough confidence so that people who read the blog every month, some other have a problem for which identifies us as a solution and also, most importantly, as a solution you can trust . Or, as would the great @yoriento, "I am not the best, I'm the right".

These things are causing a personal brand and why personal branding is the No. 1 priority in which I recommend that you work on a professional level.

3. The most powerful tool for your personal brand is a blog and / or a YouTube channel

This is not me, says Enrique Dans, and a guy who has one of the strongest personal bests in this country, if you say that, I think.

If you want to understand why this is so, check out the video of Enrique Dans coming up if you have not already done so and video of Alfonso Alcantara comes next, another personal brand of the front row, by the way, and that says a phrase that often made me laugh because hides a lot of truth:

"Without a blog you are a free digital roof, all day lying on social networks"

So if you want to know why you say this, check out this video:
That's right: your blog will only work only if you do something you are passionate about, so the challenge is not to create your blog, the real challenge is to find your passion and talent.

The problem is that many people have buried the child and, therefore, believe that they have no talent, but this is usually not true.

If you do not believe, take a look at what you have to say in this respect Sir Ken Robinson in his famous lecture on early childhood education and how it kills creativity. Top notch I've seen. The talk is subtitled in Spanish, but if you loose with English, you drive them a good laugh, believe me. The guy is just great.

And if now you think this to create your blog can have some sense, aside from our mega-guide on how to create a blog and other publications cited, here you have some more material for another key: how to content Quality really value that provides:

The 4 keys to creating good content DO inhale, you inform, teach or entertain?

15 Tools to make great content.

4. The World 2.0 makes it much easier to be a freelancer and you have your small business

Good personal brand is a true catalyst Networking, naturally know more and more well-positioned people in the professional world and is best if you already have a career with some visibility, know them from a position of a professional reputable and not from a position of inferiority and current job interviews in which already seems that one is "begging" because there are other 867 candidates who aspire to the same.

But in my opinion, the truly great about this is that if you get a good personal brand through the broadcast media give you 2.0 is much easier to reach potential customers for your business.

Versus what you can do if you manage a good presence in the 2.0 world, seeking customers by traditional methods is like looking for a needle in a haystack. That's what you do, work on your own becomes much more feasible and realistic. I think a lot about it when I remember my first failed business experience and how they have changed things have existed all this time.

Now permit me a moment a small suggestion: if you want to keep learning how 2.0 tools can help you professionally, sign up on the form below to get an automatic notification of new posts from this blog:

5. The World 2.0 is international

Bloggers I know that offer professional services you can say that many of them already work with clients outside Spain, especially with customers in Latin America. They do virtually completely and there is no problem.

Obviously this does not apply to all sectors, but many do. So a career 2.0, apart from all this, of giving a passport to work outside of Spain without leaving the site.

Moreover, it helps the professional services marketplace like oDesk, Elance, or (suggestion Miguel).

You dive in these things is a good measure anti-crisis, do not you think?

6. In the medium term, be the most important qualifications personal brand?

I honestly do not know, but I apparently seen, is a reflection to be launched if there is one thing that is certain is that the world 2.0 is impacting the world of work and professional relationships and producing changes if you do not you know adapt to them may leave seriously injured.

How to survive the change and how to move the ass style 2.0
My thinking is: the degrees of all kinds (university degrees, master's, certificates, etc.) have been invented to train you and to prove your skills to others (your employer) and provide reasonable assurance of your worth to a particular need his.

But now, with the media 2.0, the question is: for this purpose, as an employer, what gives you more real information and guarantees? A CV with the last 10 Company which has passed a guy and wonders account you have achieved them or blog where you can how it works and what you know "live and direct" as the next? (Video discovered in this post @yoriento)
This is not to belittle the academic qualifications, nor does it mean that from now on are no longer needed (we would be forgetting the training part), but what, in my opinion, is indisputable is that there are now better means to prove knowledge and capabilities and gradually, people are realizing it.

What if you are someone who is emperran not to use them?

2.0 channel to find work, work.

Like everything else, you have to know how to do things right and does not work for everyone and for all ideas, but for many other.

So if you're out of your job, do not you think that is the ideal, apart from finding a new job, also investigate alternative ways that wont post in this moment?

If even after all, let me make a final recommendation with examples of people who have gotten 7 professional blogs to inspire you with yours.

In addition, the first example is precisely Isabel Llano, also known as Isasaweis, a girl who just stayed unemployed, decided to go for the 2.0 world, has become first video-blogger No. 1 in Spain and, as a result, he has ended his own space Antena 3 Television.

And to end that hauls and motivate you for it, let me make a brief summary of the above ideas with some interesting phrase over which I have like:

1.There's nothing like a strong personal brand because the No. 1 reason why people buy products and hires staff is trust. 

2.It has never been so easy and fast to create your own personal brand because it has never been so easy to prove yourself as now with 2.0 channels, so you have no excuse. 

3.Thanks to the 2.0 world and the power of personal branding, self-employment is becoming an increasingly viable option for many professionals. 

4.In addition, in the 2.0 world stop being a local worker to become a small multinational. You look around the world and you can sell worldwide. 

5.... But if you have nothing to offer, working first in this because ... 

6.... "Join social networks and expect to improve your professional life is like thinking that one will bind for the sake of a night out" (@yoriento) 

7.So remember that "social networks become more visible your professional profile but do not more interesting." (@edans) 

8.If you have really added value to contribute, you will see that in the 2.0 world the idea of "free give what you know to charge what you're worth" (@yoriento) it works very well. 

9.Therefore, among other things, "the true employment 2.0 not looking, you find" (@yoriento)
Change a little in your mind and choice a good job that you can work from home
Best wishes for Your Bright Future in 2.0 world................

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